Faux Distressed Buffet
A friend of mine recently inherited some furniture from her Great Aunt Helen. She asked if I would help to revitalize their look. I went to take a look at the pieces and was not surprised to find them in near pristine condition - I knew her Aunt and she was a beauty herself!
The first piece we decided to work on was this buffet.

Although it was gorgeous as it stood, my friend did not like the yellow-ish hue. After some back and forth to make the correct color choice.
{TIP: Let me insert here how important it is to look at the color in the light of the home/ room that the furniture will ultimately be placed. I had originally thought of using one of two colors, which were both way too dark! And although the final color choice of Wise Owl Limestone is my very favorite, it was not what I thought would be the best for this area - UNTIL I took my sample boards to their home! So.... do a sample board BEFORE investing time spent painting the wrong color and then not be happy with the outcome!}
We chose Limestone! YAY, my favorite!!

So, I prepped the piece by cleaning (which didn't take long, as this one was very clean; however, you DO want to get off any waxes or cleaners that had been applied previously.), sanding, and cleaning again. It took 2 coats of the Limestone (3 for the top) for full coverage. I then used a coat of Polyvine, which is a wax varnish to seal the paint.

I might soon become a retailer for Polyvine, but in the meantime, you can purchase this from my friend Jessica here https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrassTacksTulsa
We wanted to add some aging without distressing. I used my stain (MinWax Ebony), but this could also be achieved using glaze or wax.
Finished off with another coat of Polyvine, and it was ready to go home!
WOW, that seemed so fast!! In reality, this piece took me about 3-4 weeks for completion. Sadly, I do have to work another job so my time is limited on when I can actually do what I LOVE! Someday, I will do this full time... all in good time!
So here she is in all of her beauty!! I do think, if I may say so myself, that Aunt Helen would approve!

As always, I would love for you to follow along with me socially!!
Let see... what's up next? I MIGHT get to do some stained art! Oh, I hope so! I miss doing it!