Restoration Hardware Inspired Desk
Hi all! I've been experimenting with different types of designs lately, and this time I decided to try something with an industrial feel. I typically use my staining technique to create floral images on furniture. Botanicals are the perfect image to use for this because of the depth you can get. But, as I have learned by trying other ideas, I can also achieve this depth and dimension with many things, not just the flowers!

So... I wanted to try a bicycle. I couldn't decide on the image, as I really wanted to use the Penny Farthing High Step Bicycle. However, I thought there would be too much dead space with just that image. I thought I could use some typography, but nothing seemed quite right. I finally decided to add the 3 high step bikes in the background.
Ok, so let's get to the step by step..
I had this old writing desk that was a beautiful stained color, but the top veneer had some patches. At one time, there must have been some damage or cracks and someone tried to repair it. It was too obvious to leave in the background of my images, so I decided on painting the piece.

After some sanding and minor repairs, I got started with my painting. I use Velvet Finishes paints whenever I can because I love the sheen and finish of these paints, and they work so well with my staining techniques.
For more information on these fantastic paints, you can click on the picture. It will take you to the site and you will be able to see all of their beautiful colors! OH, and there is a coupon code for her August color-of-the-month, Enchanting!
So, I used Velvet Finishes Timeless on the entire desk. I love this grey hue of Timeless. I hope you are able to see it and the sheen in this picture.

Now, it was time for the top. I wanted a Restoration Hardware look, so I applied several different glazes. I used Velvet Finishes Opulent, Rococo, and Prestigious to achieve the look on the top.

And now for the fun part! First, I started with the background high steppers!

I had to keep this layer fairly light and with little detail, as the next image is to be the highlight of the desk.

Now, it was time to stage the desk under better lighting. I new I might want to put a dark glaze on the base of the desk but wasn't sure until I could see it under better light.

As it turned out, I did put a dark glaze on the base, but it really just made a slight difference. And it didn't pick up well in this photo. The glaze just gives it a little more depth.

And now "Penny" is ready to find a new home!

I will show you a coordinating piece I finished up next time. So, stay tuned...
By the way, I will be among some talented artists displaying our goods at the Wild Wind Festival in Warren, PA on September 10 and 11 at the Warren County Fairgrounds! If you are interested and would like more information, check out their website at Hope to see you there!